Ehane brings landlord-tenant relationships to a whole new level.
We enable landlords to focus on their personal lives and earnings while also prioritizing tenant satisfaction, future potential, and opportunities. By enriching communication, simplifying management, and reclaiming every second of wasted time, we make life easier for everyone involved.
Problem & Solution 

Challenges Faced by Property Owners

Communication and coordination with tenants
Tenant selection and rent collection
Renovation and repair processes
Dues and bill payments
Tenant eviction
Contract management (deposit, etc.)
Tracking the property's current condition
Document archive
Determination of fair market rental value
Changes in the property's regional status
Monitoring legal obligations and processes
Real estate consultancy

Challenges faced by Tenants

Communication with the landlord (calling/being called)
Language barrier issues
Tracking maintenance and repair processes
Rent payment processes
Choosing the right home
Monitoring legal rights
Dues and bill payments
Tenant eviction and moving process
Contract management
Document archive
Determining fair market rental value
Changes in the property's regional status
Monitoring legal obligations and processes
Real estate consultancy
Ehane's Solution
We are a property management assistant for both landlords and tenants.

We want landlords to focus on their personal lives and earnings, while tenants focus on their happiness, future potential, and opportunities.
This platform redefines the relationship between landlords and tenants by digitizing communication, simplifying management, and reclaiming every second of wasted time.

Ehane is a 24/7 digital platform that addresses the problems faced by tenants and landlords. It consists of a mobile app and a web version.

A platform where tenants can quickly find a home

Tools that allow tenants and landlords to communicate smoothly and without conflict

A pool of tenants where landlords can find suitable renters

Flows that allow landlords to easily track the condition of their properties and rent payments

Potential users
Landlord profiles
Tenant profiles
Contact us
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Digitize your processes and take advantage of the conveniences offered by Ehane